Sunday, March 8, 2020

The most powerful personality traits to develop in today’s changing world for success is to have incurable Optimism, Determination, and Work Integrity” – Mr. Suresh K Khandelia, President & CEO, Sutlej Textiles and Industries Ltd.

The guiding principle for the youth to be successful is to have an optimistic attitude, determination to achieve the goal and work with integrity. In this modern globalised world, our age-old Indian Ideology is still relevant and powerful.

Today, the youth is more informed and empowered to achieve their desired goal. Youth should work earnestly to acquire necessary skillsets, pursue with full capability to achieve the desired goal. Even in adverse conditions, one should not deviate from the principles laid for success. Firm Determination, Work Integrity, and Optimism will assist an individual to navigate the challenging and adverse environment with ease to achieve the desired objective.

Youth should not follow the herd mentality and take shortcuts to success. Instead believe in hard work and possess determination to achieve the set objective. The success achieved by hard work and work integrity is more fulfilling experience not only in professional life but also at a personal level.

Mr. SK Khandelia as a business leader not only lives by these principles but also takes every opportunity to guide youth to follow these principles to achieve success in professional and personal life.

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